
New Year!

Last outfit of 2011 for new years dinner.

I found this dress at a random department store, and I really like the three color division and the bow at the back. 

Picture of the restaurant where we had our nice dinner.

I’m such a wannabe foodie – seriously  - so in honor of that I ordered quail for my last meal of the year, it was actually pretty good, the asparagus was also nice.

Fireworks! At 12 o’clock fireworks were heard all over the city and the view was spectacular. They usually last for about 30 min, and it’s actually a family event to light fireworks. What is it about fireworks that makes them so awesome? Seriously, they’re just so cool to watch. 


  1. I still haven't figured out what the deal is with fireworks, but it's so impossible to look away, isn't it?

    Anyway, you random department store dress is great! I love the color blocking and I wish I could see the bow. ):

  2. feliz año!
    muy lindo tu vestido!

  3. gorgeous dress! Happy New Year!



  4. thank you for the comment in my blog :)
    I agree about your dress - it looks beautiful and very classy! and yeah, fireworks are pretty cool indeed ;)
    btw, would you maybe like to follow each other? :)

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

  5. Love that dress - so simplistic and pretty :) What a great way to start the New Year !

  6. You look so beautiful! Really lovely dress :) And that food, oh yum ! Made me so hungry.

    Thanks for your comment!
    I made the nails like this: First transparent base nailpolish, let it dry, then any colour you like. When the base colour is dry, I made these little stars by adding spots of white colour, and used needle to draw lines from center. maybe 5 or so in total. Tadaa :)

  7. Oh and I completely forgot to say Happy new year!

    Feel free to stop by at my blog anytime again / follow each other :)

    xx Satu
    Indie by Heart

  8. Great pictures and you look lovely :) :)

  9. Hi dear, wishing u very happy new yeara nad looking beautiful as always.

  10. You look gorgeous!!! Love the booties!

  11. Hey you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress! Visited your blog through stylepile.com. Great blog:-)

  12. Looks like a really fab night! And girl you look SMOKING. That dress does the most amazing things to your figure. What a great find.
    xxx ninja

  13. Looking fab on your last night of 2011 doll and Happy 2012!!!

    <3 Marina


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