I built today's outfit around this:
Elaboré el outfit de hoy en base a esto:
It's a handwoven, purse (which conveniently can fall under the clutch category) made by the Warao people, which I actually bought yesterday. According to the old man I asked, and who barely spoke Spanish it's made out of bora, which I was also told, is an aquatic plant. I feel so proud to actually be wearing something made locally, especially handmade. And, I think a little bit more connected to my Venezuelan roots.
The Warao, are an indigenous group in Venezuela, that live in the delta of the Orinoco river, in the forests of the states Delta Amacuro and Monagas. Warao actually means canoe people. They also live in janokos (houses on stilts built over the Orinoco river). It's the second largest indigenous group in our country, but their population is only of 25,000 that actually preserve their traditions, language and way of life by the river. Therefore, I'm so proud to own something made by the original inhabitants of my country!! And I believe, more should be done in order to preserve their legacy for generations to come.
Source (top pic). For more information, if you'd like to learn more or see more pictures this second site is very interesting
source (bottom 3)! They even have the national anthem in their language.
Es un bolso hecho a mano por los Waraos. La etnia indígena Warao, vive en el delta del Orinoco en los estados Delta Amacuro y Monagas, en Venezuela. De hecho, su nombre en castellano significa hombre de canoa. Viven en janokos, que se construyen sobre el río, y su vida nómada está muy centrada en el río. Actualmente su población es alrededor de 25,000 personas, siendo ésta la segunda etnía más grande de Venezuela. Me siento super orgullosa de llevar algo hecho por los habitantes originales de mi país. El bolso está hecho de bora (una planta acuática), según me dijo un viejito bello que no hablaba muy bien español. Para más información pueden ir a las páginas de arriba, de hecho en una sale el audio del himno nacional en su idioma. Espero se hagan proyectos para poder preservar su cultura y tradiciones por muchas generaciones más.
Here my sister's telling me, "Oh I think I finally found a way so that you'll actually look good" she's such a strict photographer ;) / stylist.
I finished the look (I mean I only had a clutch to start off with hahaha) with my new bright orange pants and a white shirt. I actually wore the pants & shirt combination last week with a jean jacket. However, during the closet clean up I did (would you like to read that story, my two week adventure/nightmare of closet cleaning!?) I found this yellow sweater my mom bought a really long time ago. I'd never worn it before because I just didn't know how to wear it, since, it's pretty wide. My mom told me I had to wear it with a shirt underneath, and after a few days with a part of my brain processing possible outfits I came up with this! (Does your brain do that, think of outfits sometimes?). Anyway, the pale yellow & white makes the clutch stand out, giving it the attention it deserves.
Terminé el outfit, con mis pantalones nuevos naranja brillante y una franela blanca. Utilizé esta misma combinación la semana pasada con una chaqueta de jean. Pero esta vez decidí utilizar un sweater que mi mamá me compró hace tiempo pero que no hayaba como combinarlo pues es bastante ancho. Por fin se me ocurrio utilizarlo de esta manera.
I looove pins! And elephants! So two great things together! Actually if I look somewhere in my files hopefully I'll have a personalized pin jacket I made to go out one night, but this was before the blog hehe.
Me encantan los imperdibles y los elefantes! Hace tiempo decoré una chaqueta con imperdibles y quedó excelente, a ver si encuentro algunas fotos.
Zara shirt, handmade Warao clutch
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